Why fees are necessary
The Department of Education (DE) subsidises kindergartens on a per child basis as a contribution to the kindergarten's operational costs. This applie to children attending both the 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten programs. However, fees are necessary because there is a shortfall between the level of government funding and the costs of operating a viable kindergarten. In the event that the Kindergarten opts into the Government's free kinder initiative, fees remain applicable for all enrolments beyond the 15 hours free kinder government allocation.
Costs associated with the running of the kindergarten such as telephone, gas, electricity, equipment and staff salaries are all paid through fees, fundraising, donations and any Government subsidies.
Kindergartens rely on the prompt payment of fees to meet the operational costs. All parents/guardians must pay fees and the Committee of Management has the discretion to withdraw service for children where there exists non-payment of fees.
Note: Applicable for 3 and 4 YO children: If your child attends another children’s service and you nominate that service to gain the DE funding component, Brookville reserves the right to charge families the full term fees plus the amount of government subsidy that is not received by the Kindergarten. Similarly, when a child repeats 4-year-old kindergarten, without DE approval for a second year of 4 year old funded kindergarten, Brookville reserves the right to charge full term fees plus the amount of government subsidy that is not received.
Wait List Fee
A $60 waitlist fee is paid with your waitlist application form.
Enrolment Fee (not applicable due to the Free Kinder Scheme).
When you are offered a place at Brookville, a confirmation of enrolment fee of $260 per child per year is payable to secure your child's place. The kindergarten reserves the right to request an upfront payment of term fees.
Maintenance Levy (not applicable for 2025 due to the Free Kinder Scheme)
A maintenance levy of $25 per term per child is payable to support the ongoing care, upkeep and maintenance of the kindergarten.
All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Fees are subject to change based on the discretion of the Committee of Management to ensure the operational viability of the Kindergarten.